Hi Wise Person! Nice to see you here. I'm Anka Grzywacz (yes, I know, it's a hard name to pronounce! It's kind of like "gzhee-vatsch" and it's a name of a bird species).
As a sexologist, Certified Sex Coach, and psychotherapist in training I help women and couples nurture desire and discover their orgasmic potential. I've been involved in the field of human sexuality my whole adult life.
Already as a sweet sixteen I felt a calling to become a sex educator. To stand in front of a classroom and talk to young people about condoms. For context, I grew up in Poland, a country in many ways still conservative and I wanted to break taboos around sex.
As soon as I moved to Warsaw to study, I volunteered to work in the biggest Polish sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) organization Federation for Women and Family Planning. With some colleagues we formed a pioneer group of sexuality educators called Ponton. It was over 20 years ago and that group still exists. And I was an active member for 17 years. I delivered workshop for teenagers, I answered thousands of questions in our online forum and on our hotline.
As I grew older I decided to devote my life to helping people solve their sexual problems. I already had a Master's degree in linguistics but I decided to continue my education in the direction of Clinical Sexology. I graduated under the guidance of one of Poland's most prominent sex therapists, professor Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz.

And I discovered sex coaching! I fell in love with that method because it offered relatively quick and lasting results and was future-oriented. I wanted to become the best coach, so I chose the long and practice-focused path. First I took up postgraduate studies in Life Coaching at a Warsaw university Collegium Civitas. This one-year course gave me the foundation of my coaching work.
Then I studied sex coaching at Sex Coach U for two years, under the guidance of the method's founder, the one and only dr Patti Britton. I became a Certified Sex Coach in 2018. Today I am a member of the World Association of Sex Coaches (WASC) and the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality.
In the meantime I also took a 1.5-year course at Intra school in Warsaw, to become a fully qualified facilitator of group workshops.
After a few years of practice as a sex coach I noticed that I was not able to help some of my clients fully, especially those with past trauma or sex problems related to depression. I decided to go back to school and study psychotherapy. I'm currently in training to become a psychotherapist according to a somatic therapy method invented by Alexander Lowen's, called Bioenergetic Analysis. I study in German at the Süddeutsche Gesellschaft für Bioenergetische Analyse.
As a linguist I love learning new languages and I currently work in Polish, English and German. I speak some French and my new hobby is Hebrew, which I have been studying for almost a year now.

Back home in Poland I hosted a nationwide, live radio show "The Good Sex". Over three years I interviewed dozens of experts in the field of psychology and sexology and every show featured live calls from the audience (which I loved the most).
I was (and still am) a sexual health and sexuality expert in the media. I was featured in major Polish TV stations, radio shows and press. Internationally my expertise appeared in Cosmopolitan magazine, PopSugar, Insider, and many other popular outlets.
In my private life I've been married for almost ten years. We have a young son, and I'm a stepmom to a wonderful, young adult woman.
In 2018 we decided to make the Big Change. My family moved to Zurich, Switzerland, and I am happy to call the Alpine country my second home. I love exploring the mountains, lakes, and art-filled museums.
If you were to open my closet, you would drown in the sea of red. I have been faithful to this color for over a decade now. Our family pack includes two cats we took from the street in Warsaw.
Are you interested in hiring me as your sex therapist? Let's talk. I offer in-person sessions in Zurich and Thalwil as well as online. Book your first session here.

More about me and my work: